New Ericsson solutions boost indoor 5G capacity and precise location services - Business d'Or


Ericsson has unveiled three new indoor mobile connectivity solutions that are easy to deploy and cost-efficient, aimed at delivering 5G coverage, capacity and capabilities in any work or business environment.

The solutions become part of the Ericsson Radio Dot System portfolio, enhancing its flexibility.

The new products are expected to meet customers’ simplicity and monetization goals through a scalable solution suitable for any indoor environment.

The IRU 8850, the latest indoor radio unit, is suitable for medium-to-large venue coverage, while the Ericsson Indoor Fusion Unit is a compact, all-in-one indoor 5G solution for small-to-medium-sized building coverage.

The Ericsson 5G Precise Positioning software feature provides location services for a wide range of uses cases that CSPs and enterprises can use, such as asset tracking and tool positioning in various industrial private network applications, as well as in emergency response scenarios.

These indoor solutions will be showcased at the MWC Barcelona 2023 and will be commercially available in the second half of 2023.

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Originally published at on February 20, 2023.


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